Friday, October 14, 2022

Just What The World Needs - Another Blogger

If you were to make a list of the top ten things the world really doesn't need, another blogger might be on it, somewhere under nuclear holocaust, world pandemics and famine.  After all, reading blogs doesn't exactly make the best use of whatever little time you still have on the planet.  Writing a blog, similarly, is time I could better spend educating myself, giving back to humanity or planting a garden.  Yet, here we are - you the reader and myself, the writer.  Let's make the best of it, shall we?

Writing doesn't come naturally or easily to most people.  Sharing your writing on the internet for likely criticism should be against every rule of common sense, even if you consider yourself a good writer.  Still, people write the outrageous things on social media every day and it seems like the more outrageous it is, the more buzz it generates.  Maybe the whole social media thing has dumbed us down to the point that we no longer have the constraints of a more civilized society and we're all headed for a "Lord of the Flies" type of digital world.  In that context, maybe another blog doesn't really matter as there's no stopping the descent into madness.

My purpose isn't really to depress or anger anyone however.  As I examine why I would ever want to be a writer or publish a blog, I ask myself what is the purpose of writing if not to share my observations, musings, jokes, stories and concerns with others?  My answer to that question is why not?  Writing is just a form of expression.  A blog, much like a story or song, is intended to be shared with others.  Or so I tell myself.  Your opinion may differ and that's OK, because its just as valid as mine.

Earlier this year, at the behest of my daughter Sarah, I completed a year long project of writing and publishing online my first book - intended only as something of a private autobiography of sorts, for family only.  It was a terrifically fun and rewarding project and I felt like it produced something of value for future generations of my family who may arrive after I've gone.  It also cemented the idea that you can only improve at writing by actually doing it on a regular basis.  This blog is a continuation of that first effort and hopefully for a wider audience.  

My intent is to post a new blog at least once a month, maybe more.  I hope that the thoughts I share contribute something positive to the world, perhaps even slowing the aforementioned decent toward Lord of the Flies.  You are cordially invited to respond, agree or disagree, or just add your own two cents.  If you like what I write, you can share it.  At some point, I may publish a new book based on the best of the blog posts.  Who knows.  If you've made it this far, I'm grateful for your patience and I'll try to make this worth your while.  



  1. Great job Bon. Can’t wait to read more.

    1. Thanks Randy! Can't figure out where you are seeing "Bon", but I'm kinda new to this! Feedback is greatly appreciated!

  2. How in the hell does Bob get turned into Bon. I HATE spellcheck


  3. Mighty proud of your contributing to the world of "expand our horizons" by authoring your ideas; thoughts, opinions, experiences and more...subjecting yourself to who knows what kind of responses. Your thought process as expressed leading you to take this on is well stated and shows me you have developed a philosophy I agree with... I say listen... and if you have an opinion of me after reading/hearing...well, what you think of me is none of my business. But, hopefully, open minds will deter that descent into the "world of flies" and we'll all be better off for having followed your writings.
    As for me and writing...#$%^&(@@
    Punctuation is not my strong suit. You know!
    Oops You know?

  4. I look forward to hearing what you think, Bon. :-)

    1. Thanks! I look forward to finding out where I need to change "Bon" to "Bob" :)

  5. Expression. Like your songwriting. I expect a good dose of humor here each month! :)

  6. Love this! Can't wait for more.


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