Sunday, December 1, 2024

Old Headline Brings New Hope


Joliet Herald News Headline - August 15, 1945

Embracing the Holiday Spirit: A Call for Peace

The holiday season has officially arrived, and with it comes the familiar wave of stress and anxiety. Each year, I find myself grappling with the challenge of gift shopping, overwhelmed by the crowds in stores and malls. I procrastinate, convincing myself that there’s still plenty of time. Yet, as the days slip away, so does my clarity, leaving me anxious about what to buy for those I cherish. Even more daunting is the question of what I want when asked by others. In past years, I felt lost, weak, and confused. But this year feels different—I finally know what I want for all of us.

A Moment of Reflection

A few days ago, on Thanksgiving Day, as I waited to head to our son Chris and his wife Kaleigh's gathering, I decided to tackle a long-overdue task: cleaning out a bedroom closet. Amidst a jumble of dust, old shoes, belts, and forgotten items, I stumbled upon a newspaper my parents had saved—a relic from August 15, 1945. The bold headline read “PEACE!”

That simple word sparked deep reflection. Those from my parents generation fought valiantly for four long years in Europe and the Pacific. The toll was staggering: over 38 million military personnel and civilians lost their lives in a conflict that was meant to be the war to end all wars. Yet here we are today—conflicts in Ukraine, Russia, and the Middle East; deep divisions within our own country. The path we tread seems fraught with turmoil and uncertainty. Perhaps if everyone could see that newspaper from 1945, we might recognize the direction we’re heading and find a way to heed John Lennon’s timeless call to “give peace a chance.”

Hope for a Better Tomorrow

I understand that envisioning peace in our times can feel daunting—just as it likely did in 1945. But if it was possible then, could it also be achievable now? Let’s hold onto that hope—for Jenya, Maksim, and Egor in Ukraine; for Israelis and Palestinians; for everyone around the globe, especially here in America.

There’s an old Christmas song that resonates with me: “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” This year, that is my wish for Christmas—not just for myself but for all of us.

A Gift of Peace

As we celebrate the holidays, regardless of our faith or background, we can offer each other the most precious gift: understanding. A moment of genuine human connection. The seeds of peace.

Who knows? Maybe future generations will discover our legacy and realize that change is always possible, one small act of kindness at a time.

Thank You For Following My Blog 

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  1. I second your call for peace and understanding.....let it begin with us!!

  2. Biggest wish for the Peace!

  3. Hey Bob, it's Charlie D. This is a great piece of writing and a great message. Hope to see you next Saturday at Larry's.

    1. Thnaks Charlie! Denise & I plan to be at Larry's so we'll see you there.

    2. These seem like pretty dire times to me. We need more hopeful people like you spreading positivity! Thanks!

  4. I will go for peace, blessing and love to every one.

    1. Totally with you. Thanks for your support!

    2. Thank you Bob. I always enjoy your insights. This is another keeper. Nancy S

  5. Thanks Bob for the blog. Wishing you Peace this Christmas season. Your song writing friend,
    - Bob Burbee

    1. Thanks Bob. One of the real highlights and joys of my year was meeting you and the rest of the gang at Darrell's house. God bless and Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  6. Hey Bob, Larry S here. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me - such a great sentiment. Sorry I won't see you at Larry H's place. We're meeting family that night for the Illuminights display. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Thanks Larry. Are the Panini’s doing a Christmas show anywhere? How did we not schedule that? I need to hear the elf song!

  7. Well said my friend. - DAW

  8. I lost my 1st comment. Ooops. But, as Papaw Richard, I say thanks, Bob, for your most timely, insightful and meaningful post. Yes, let the change start and me. If nothing changes nothing nothing changes...and history repeats itself.


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