Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A House Divided Cannot Stand

Many of you saw last month's blog post announcing my candidacy for the presidency of the United States, offering encouraging words of support.  I very much appreciate that and I feel your frustration with our current crop of so-called leadership, which includes the two or three major party candidates and both the congress and senate.  In my humble opinion, all of them should get out of the way and make room for someone who will cut past all of the partisan bullfeathers and get something done.  That would be me.

The biggest problem we have to solve in this country is the divisiveness we see everyday in all aspects of our society.  It tears the heart out of our democracy, allows our enemies to flourish and our allies to wonder what on earth we stand for as a nation.  You don’t have to be a Christian or a bible thumper to know that the most important advice for Government comes from the Gospel of Matthew.  “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.”   As your president, my number one focus will be eliminating all of this red-blue crap and finding people who are willing to put the country’s needs ahead of their parties' playbook for power and greed.  

On day one of my administration, I’ll issue an executive order declaring both major political parties a national disgrace and dismantle them.  Each and every elected official in congress and the senate who has disgraced his or her oath of office during their term of office will be tried, convicted and removed from office during my first week.  That should be about 90% of them.  There will be no appeal process and no golden parachute retirements.  They will be replaced by people who will actually take the oath of office and mean it.  No longer will we be represented by fat cat politicians who are only interested in enriching themselves and screwing over everyone else. 

As your president, I will report to the American people once each month on the progress the Congress makes passing bills to make this country actually work again across the board. I’ll be a bit like Ross Perot showing what got done and what didn’t get done.  That means a rising tide for everyone - no more of this insane partisan bickering, backroom deal making and partisan gridlock.  Since there will be no more of this red-blue nonsense, maybe we can begin to see ourselves as all red, white and blue and start treating each other with common decency and respect.  Yeah, it might take some getting used to, but maybe it’s time that we stopped tearing each other down and start building each other up.  That sounds pretty American to me.  We can work out our differences without acting like idiots.

America still can be the bastion of freedom and democracy that other countries envy and some fear, but it’s time for a serious gut check.  Nobody is going to look up to us or trust us if we continue to behave like idiots and can’t get along with each other.  We are better than that.  We can’t walk away from pressing needs like defending freedom in Ukraine and the rest of Europe.  We can’t call out others for bad behavior while our own house is a mess.  Let’s commit right now to the idea that we can’t win anything unless we are willing to fight for each other.

In the coming months, I look forward to debating the major party candidates on April 1st, if they have the guts.  The challenge has been put forth.  School teachers, first responders and active duty military will ask the questions and have a “bullshit” button to press that will cut off the candidates mics if they don’t answer questions in clear terms.  Jon Stewart will be the moderator.  If we can get them, we might hook up lie detectors just for fun.

I also want to have a series of rallies to speak more fully on issues like national security, climate change, the economy and the most important of all - education.  Let’s raise our kids to be the kind of people that we should be.  Let’s empower them with knowledge.  Let’s give them a fighting chance to run this country and this planet better than we have.  So help me God.


  1. Bob for President!!! Revive the Bull Moose Party!!

    1. Thanks! I’m thinking of calling it the American party, but maybe I should poll the blog readers like yourself.


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